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Week 9 at Estancia Las Buitreras and another group of mixed nationalities as we welcomed guests from the USA, Canada, Colombia, and Scotland. Additionally, we were pleased to welcome back two of our dear friends, Gary S. and John B., both hosting clients this week. 

The River maintained a stable water level throughout the week, with a perfect 0 level displaying its characteristic tea color which is usual for this time of the year. As the week ended, there was a subtle change in the river level. In the last few days, the water dropped to a -20 cm, changing from tea color into “gin clear” conditions.

Anglers found success in their fishing with a variety of flies. The most effective choices were the ever-reliable size 6-8 “Marianne” style flies, featuring fluoro orange and chartreuse painted coneheads. In addition, smaller sized salmon flies in size 12-14, such as “Stoats Tail” and “Silver Stoats,” tied on double hooks, proved to be effective to catch sea-run browns in low water conditions.

In terms of fishing lines, the floating scandi heads with clear intermediate tips were the preferred choice during the week. Combined with long leaders featuring a breaking strength of 15 to 20 lbs. We still saw a small percentage of bigger fish being lost in front of the net or in the weeds which is part of the game sometimes. As soon as you have to go down in fly sizes you need to be extra careful when hooking one of these big fish.

The biggest fish of the week was landed by Monika from the US, a remarkable 19 lbs sea-run brown trout in the famous “Golfo de Mathias” pool, a pool that doesn’t get fished often as it tend to produce best results with a south wind, a wind we don’t see too often during the season. As the pool doesn’t get fished much it’s always tempting to try it when an opportunity arises. This particular day there was almost no wind and Monika and Dave fished the pool in a very precise way until Monika’s line suddenly got tight. After a long fight, Monika eventually managed to bring the fish close to the deep weed bank, presenting a final challenge as fish loves to swim deep into the weeds, making it hard to keep contact with the fish. With the fish moving up and down the weedline, not allowing Monika to get it close enough to be netted, the guide finally made a decision to go for it. With two determined steps right into the pool, water up to his chest and flowing into his waders, he managed to get a hold of the leader and guide the fish into the net. A risky move that you sometimes have to make in these types of situations. Well played to all of you and congratulations on a fantastic fish Monika!

It was great to see so many women at the lodge this week! With two couples, Monika and Dave, as well as Yvonne and Gavin, and long-time friends Gabby and Kathleen we experienced some great fishing moments on the water as women traditionally always do very well here. Yvonne landed a beautiful 11 lbs sea trout in Little Corner mid week and Gavin followed with a nice “sunray fish” from Barranca Blanca shortly after. Gavin also had some heartbreaking moments this week with some big fish coming off after several jumps. You will get them next year Gavin!

Kathleen was on fire landing several nice fish throughout the week, such as a 12 lbs from “Two Cast” and Gabby landing a nice fish on the last day. You could see their smiles from miles and there was certainly no shortage of fun and excitement.

As always we could go on and on about all the different stories here during the week, like Michel from Colombia who landed his first ever sea trout in pool 75, weighing in at 17 lbs, or our good friend Louis who came along with JF and had some incredible times together, landing fish and  thoroughly enjoying the beauty of the landscape and surroundings, or Ed and Tom from the US who have been fishing friends for a very long time, ending their epic fishing trip in Patagonia with us on the Gallegos where they landed fish up to 17 lbs.

As we wrap-up the week, the lodge remains full of stories about violent takes that rip the line out of your hands, and how incredibly strong these fish are when you have them on the line. Each angler returns home with the memories of a week well spent along the Gallegos River, eagerly anticipating the next opportunity to relive the tranquility and excitement that Estancia Las Buitreras offers. Until then, tight lines and cheers to another memorable week of fishing.

Stats of the week

Biggest sea-run brown trout landed: 19 lbs by Monika from USA
Average size: 8,5 lbs